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HAND WASH 洗手露 / White Tea


萃取95%的天然成分調和而成的洗手乳,細膩、豐饒的泡沫流過指間,讓雙手保濕的同時,留住APOTHEKE FRAGRANCE為您呈現的上等香氛。

【有機成分】 薰衣草花提取物,小麥籽粒提取物,鼠尾草葉提取物,迷叠香葉提取物
【粗皮預防成分】 珍珠大麥種子提取物,米糠油,海鹽,海水
【保濕成分】 羥丙基三銨透明質酸鹽,紅糖提取物,角鯊烷



佛手柑 / 薰衣草 / 百裏香 / 柑橘 / 依蘭 / 茉莉

日本製造 / 容量 230mL / 瓶身尺寸 H 160mmD 72mm / 外盒尺寸 W 70mmD 70mmH 150mm


● 使用前請仔細檢查您的皮膚是否有異常。如使用過程中出現紅、腫、癢、刺激、脫色(白斑等)、皮膚變黑或是使用部位受到陽光直射而出現上述異常情況時,請停止使用並諮詢皮膚科醫生。

● 請勿用於傷口、腫脹或濕疹等異常部位。

● 放在兒童接觸不到的地方。

● 請注意容器由玻璃製成,可能會破裂並造成傷害。

● 避免高溫/低溫、高濕和陽光直射。

● 從容器中取出的洗手液不要放回容器中。



It features a luxurious moisture and fragrance. Its fusion of four flavors of organic ingredients is 95% naturally-derived. Its delicate lathery foam gently cleans the skin, locking in moisture and instilling luxurious scents.

【Organic Ingredients】 Lavandula Angustifolia (Lavender) Flower Extract / Avena Sativa (Oat) Kernel Extract / Salvia Officinalis (Sage) Leaf Extract / Rosmarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Extract

【Skin Smoothing Ingredients】 Coix Seed Extract / Oryza Sativa (Rice) Bran Oil / Sea salt / Sea Water

【Moisturizing Ingredients】 Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hyaluronate / Saccharum Officinarum (Sugarcane) Extract / Squalane

White Tea

An oriental fragrance with a hint of sweetness, inspired by the resort spas of Southeast Asia. A blend of fresh citrus of mandarin and bergamot, floral notes of jasmine and ylang-ylang, spicy thyme and ginger, lifted by an earthy sandalwood, nutmeg, and patchouli base. This fragrance brings to mind the exotic aroma of white tea served at a faraway travel destination.

Bergamot / Lavender / Thyme / Mandarin / Ylang-ylang / Jasmine

Made in Japan / Net volume: 230mL / Size: H 160mm, D 72mm / Box size: W 70mm, D 70mm, H 150mm